Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Renapur

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded
Taluka : Renapur, Dist Latur. Pin: 413527, Maharashtra.

The Department of Commerce is established in June 1993 when this college is established. This department is the integral part of Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Renapur, Dist. Latur. In this rural college, there are many students who have been learning in Commerce faculty. The department has three full-time faculty members- Dr.Ghadge R.V.( Head & Assistant  Professor, Dept. of  Business Economics ), Dr. Pawar P.T. (Head & Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Study) and Mr. Shelke P.D. (Head &Assistant Professor, Dept. of M. Law). The Department aims at empowering the students with rural background and make them aware for global competencies and entrepreneurship skills. This department encourages the students for self employment and small scale industries in the rural area. In a short span of time, this department has earned a lot of reputation and popularity for providing higher and quality education. This Department was organized A Two day National Conference on “IMPLICATION OF FDI IN MULTI-BRAND RETAIL IN INDIA” and also organized One Week Interdisciplinary Short-Term Course on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.” The department  conducted one year Certificate Course in Banking for all rural students under the guidance of UGC.  Now this faculty is one of the favorite among the Faculty.  Department also arranges Financial Literacy Programme and Open Discussion on Annual Budget of GoI events punctually to update the students for current economic and business affairs. Departmrnt also MoUs with BOI and Dayanand Commerce College for the exchang of banking and commerce knowledge.

Sr. No Photo  Name of the Faculty Member Qualification Designation Experience Biodata
1. Dr. Ghadge R.V. M. Com., B.Ed., Ph.D. Assistant Professor & HOD 28 Years Biodata
2. Dr. Pawar P.T. M. Com., M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor 22 Years Biodata
3. Dr. Shelke P.D. M. Com., MBA,  M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor 22 Years Biodata
4 Dr. Shahapure K.G M.A (Eco) B.Ed. Ph.D. Assistant Professor(CHB)  4 Years Biodata
5 Miss. Katake R.R M. Com.,B.Ed. Assistant Professor(CHB) 1 Years Biodata
6    Mr. Salunke A.A.  M.Com., SET Assistant Professor(CHB) 1 Years  Biodata





Department Profile : Commerce