Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Renapur

Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded
Taluka : Renapur, Dist Latur. Pin: 413527, Maharashtra.

The department of Sociology was established with establishment of this College on 1993. This department is the integral part of Shivaji Mahavidyalaya, Renapur, Dist Latur. In this rural college, there are many students who have been learning Sociology as their optional subject. The department has two faculty-members Dr. Mote Ashok Arjunrao (Professor & Head), Mr. Pathan T.S Assistant Professor (CHB). The Department aims at empowering the students from rural area to lead the society and to understand the socio-history scenario and strengthen the atmosphere of the society.

          Department organizes different types activities for all round development of the students. The Department publishes wall papers, organize different types of competition, Social survey. Also department conducts unit-test, subject seminar, group discussion for students and arranged social study tour by the department.

In a short span of time, this department has earned a lot of reputation and popularity for providing higher and quality education and fulfilling growing needs of the society. Now this department is one of the favorite among students.

Sr No Photo  Name of the Faculty Member Qualification Designation Experience Biodata
1. Dr. Mote Ashok Arjunrao M.A., SET, Ph.D.  Professor and HOD 24 Years Biodata


Mr. Pathan T.S M.A. B.Ed, NET Assistant Professor(CHB) 02 Years Biodata

Department Profile : Sociology