Affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded Taluka : Renapur, Dist Latur. Pin: 413527, Maharashtra.
Extension Activities
N.S.S. Unit – For 75 Students Arranges Special Camp in Rural Area with the theme like Health Awareness, Water Harvesting and Conservation, Gram Swachata Abhiyan etc.
Dr. Chintamanrao Deshmukh Career Academy – It Provides Guidance, Counseling to the student for competitive Examinations like MPSC, Staff Selection, Banking, L.I.C., Police, Talathi, Gramsevak Recruitment, Railway Recruitment Board, etc.
Shahid Balaji Male State Level Debate Competition – This event is started from 1999 in the memory of Shahid Balaji Male. Cash prizes are given to the first three Winners.
Mahila Takrar Nivaran Kaksha – It is Constituted in the college to solve the grievances of Girls Students.
Anti Raging Committee – As per the Government directions the committee is constituted to ban the raging in the college campus.
National Wild Life Day
Women Empowerment-World Women’s Day
Gandhi Research Foundations-Gandhi Vichar Sanskar Pariksha